Let's Go on A Journey

Let's Go on A Journey

We have been conditioned to believe that happiness comes from achievement, things, and status. This notion has been debunked since I was a child and yet we all still fall into it's trap. Luckily, meditation is taking a step on a different trail- to begin a different journey that isn't solely dependent on external sources. There is a balance that we must maintain between building a strong and meaningful life and building a loving and compassionate being. Meditation helps us to cultivate this balance and growth in both parts.

One of my favorite meditation teachers, Pandit Baskaran who I met in India, always states that we should strive for 200% happiness. 100% on the inside and 100% on the outside. I love this quote because it shows us that both external and internal factors play a role in our happiness. This technique is rooted in a notion that is found in the the Bhagavad Gita called "Yogastha Kuru Karmani" or “Establish in Being, Perform Action”. Effortless meditation was meant for householders- busy people with even busier lives. We practice not so that we can find ultimate meaning for ourselves but rather so that we can find meaning and share that meaning with the world.

Let's go together on a wonderful journey where we discover new layers and parts of ourselves. Let's climb peaks while enjoying every step rather than just the view. Let's invite other's to come along and feel the energy in numbers. Let's hit new depth within ourselves so that we can really work to perform meaningful action in the world.

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